MUD's are ditcher social of game like and the vast majority of MUD's are known as "games" by their players. MUD's can be of considerable value in non-game or serious applications. Could you put MUD under a pastime, sport, amusement and entertainment? Are MUD's games? MUD's are seen differently by players.
Absract 4
Achievers (diamonds) always trying to find goals and rewards. Players gives themselves related goals and sets out to achieve them They regard points gathering and rising in levels as their main goal.
Explorers (Spades) like to walk around and learn as much about the virtual environment as possible. They set out to explore new things and find bugs.
Socialisers (Hearts) are players that like playing a game because of it's social aspects such as chatting to friends over text or VOIP.
Killers (Clubs) set out in the gam to harm and cause distress to other people around them. They generally enjoyit the more distress they are causing.
If a game has too many of one of these it causes an unbalanced game.
Ways to emphasise
Players over world
- add more communication facilities.
- add more player-on-player commands.
- make communication facilities easy and intuitive.
- decrease the size of the world.
- increase the connectivity between rooms.
- maximise the number of simultaneous players.
- restrict building privileges to a select few.
- cut down on the number of mobiles.
World over players
- have only basic communication facilities.
- have few ways that players can do things to other players.
- make building facilities easy and intuitive.
- maximise the size of the world (ie. add breadth).
- use only “rational” room connections in most cases. grant building privileges to many.
- have lots of mobiles.
Interacting over acting
- make help facilities produce vague information.
- produce cryptic hints when players appear stuck.
- maximise the effects of commands (ie. add depth).
- lower the rewards for achievement. have only a shallow level/class system.
- produce amusing responses for amusing commands. edit all room descriptions for consistent atmosphere.
- limit the number of commands available in any one area.
- have lots of small puzzles that can be solved easily. allow builders to add completely new commands.
Acting over interacting
- provide a game manual.
- include auto-map facilities.
- include auto-log facilities.
- raise the rewards for achievement.
- have an extensive level/class system.
- make commands be applicable wherever they might reasonably have meaning.
- have large puzzles, that take over an hour to complete. have many commands relating to fights.
- only allow building by top-quality builders.
The next part is a direct quote from the text.
Player interactions
Achievers V.
Achievers V.
- ACHIEVERS: Achievers regard other achievers as competition to be beaten (although this is typically friendly in nature, rather than cut-throat). Respect is given to those other achievers who obviously are extraordinarily good, but typically achievers will cite bad luck or lack of time as reasons for not being as far advanced in the game as their contemporaries. Achievers do not need the presence of any other type of player in order to be encouraged to join a MUD: they would be quite happy if the game were empty but for them, assuming it remained a challenge Because of this, a MUD can’t have too many achievers, physical limitations excepted.
- EXPLORERS: Achievers tend to regard explorers as losers: people who have had to resort to tinkering with the game mechanics because they can’t cut it as a player. The overall number of explorers has only a marginal effect on the population of achievers. In essence, more explorers will mean that fewer of the really powerful objects will be around around for the achievers to use, the explorers having used their arcane skills to obtain them first so This can cause achievers to become frustrated, and leave. More importantly, perhaps, the number of explorers affects the rate of advancement of achievers, because it determines whether or not they have to work out all those tiresome puzzles themselves.
- SOCIALISERS: Achievers merely tolerate socialisers. Although they are good sources of general hearsay on the comings and goings of competitors, they’re nevertheless pretty much a waste of space as far as achievers are concerned. Typically, achievers will regard socialisers with a mixture of contempt, disdain, irritation and pity, and will speak to them in either a sharp or patronising manner.
- KILLERS: Achievers don’t particularly like killers. They realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to “lose” the game if any fool can “win” just by plodding slowly unchallenged), however they don’t pesonally like being attacked unless it’s obvious from the outset that they’ll win.
- ACHIEVERS: Explorers look on achievers as nascent explorers, who haven’t yet figuredout that there’s more to life than pursuing meaningless goals. They are therefore willing to furnish them with information, although, like all experts, they will rarely tell the full story when they can legitimately give cryptic clues instead.
- EXPLORERS: Explorers hold good explorers in great respect, but are merciless to bad ones. One of the worst things a fellow explorer can do is to give out incorrect information, believing it to be true. Explorers enjoy the company of other explorers, and they will play more often if they have people around them to whom they can relate. Unfortunately, not many people have the type of personality which finds single-minded exploring a riveting subject, so numbers are notoriously difficult to increase. If you have explorers in a game, hold on to them!
- SOCIALISERS: Explorers consider socialisers to be people whom they can impress, but who are otherwise pretty well unimportant.
- KILLERS: Explorers often have a grudging respect for killers, but they do find their behaviour wearisome. It’s just so annoying to be close to finishing setting up something when a killer comes along and attacks you. On the other hand, many killers do know their trade well, and are quite prepared to discuss the finer details of it with explorers. Sometimes, an explorer may try attacking other players as an exercise, and they can be extremely effective at it.
Socialisers V.
- ACHIEVERS: Socialisers like achievers, because they provide the running soap opera about which the socialisers can converse. Without such a framework, there is no uniting cause to bring socialisers together. Note that socialisers don’t particularly enjoy talking to achievers they do, however, enjoy talking about them. Increasing the achiever/socialiser ratio has only a subtle effect: socialisers may come to feel that the MUD is “all about” scoring points and killing mobiles, and some of them may therefore leave before matters ”get worse”.
- EXPLORERS: Socialisers generally consider explorers to be sad characters who are desperately in need of a life. Both groups like to talk, but rarely about the same things, and if they do get together it’s usually because the explorer wants to sound erudite and the socialiser has nothing better to do at the time.
- SOCIALISERS: A case of positive feedback: socialisers can talk to one another on any subject for hours on end, and come back later for more. The more socialisers there are in a game, the more new ones will be attracted to it.
- KILLERS: This is perhaps the most fractious relationship between player group types. the main reason that socialisers tend to despise killers is that they have completely antisocial motives, whereas socialisers have (or like to think they have) a much more friendly and helpful attitude to life. The fact that many socialisers take attacks on their personae personally only compounds their distaste for killers. Increasing the number of killers will decrease the number of socialisers by a much greater degree. Decreasing the number of killers will likewise greatly encourage (or, rather, fail to discourage) socialisers to play the MUD.
Killers V.
- ACHIEVERS: Killers regard achievers as their natural prey. Achievers are good fighters (because they’ve learned the necessary skills against mobiles), but they’re not quite as good as killers, who are more specialised. This gives the “thrill of the chase” which many killers enjoy – an achiever may actually be able to escape, but will usually succumb at some stage, assuming they don’t see sense and quit first.
- EXPLORERS: Killers tend to leave explorers alone. Not only can explorers be formidable fighters (with many obscure, unexpected tactics at their disposal), but they often don’t fret about being attacked – a fact which is very frustrating for killers. Sometimes, particularly annoying explorers will simply ignore a killer’s attack, and make no attempt whatsoever to defend against it; this is the ultimate in cruelty to killers.
- SOCIALISERS: Killers regard socialisers with undisguised glee. It’s not that socialisers are in any way a challenge, as usually they will be pushovers in combat; rather, socialisers feel a dreadful hurt when attacked (especially if it results in the loss of their persona), and it is this which killers enjoy about it.
- KILLERS: Killers try not to cross the paths of other killers, except in pre-organised challenge matches. Part of the psychology of killers seems to be that they wish to be viewed as somehow superior to other players; being killed by a killer in open play would undermine their reputation, and therefore they avoid risking it Killers will occasionally work in teams, but only as a short-term exercise; they will usually revert to stalking their victims solo in the next session they play. The only effect that killers have on other killers is in reducing the number of potential victims available. This, in theory, should keep the number of killers down, however in practice killers will simply attack less attractive victims instead. It takes a very drastic reduction in the number of players before established killers will decide to stop playing a MUD and move elsewhere, by which time it is usually too late to save the MUD concerned.
Changing the balance
- Increasing the number of achievers will, over time, increase the number of killers in a typically Malthusian fashion.
- More explorers will lead to a quicker rise through the ranks for achievers, which will tend to encourage them (if not overdone).
Changing the number of socialisers in a MUD has no effect on the number of achievers. - Increasing the number of killers will reduce the number of achievers; reducing the killer population will increase the achiever population
- Explorers’ numbers aren’t affected by the presence of achievers.
- The explorer population is not directly affected by the size of the socialiser population.
- The affect of killers on the explorer population is fairly muted, because most explorers don’t particularly care if they get killed (or at least they profess not not). However, if it happens too often then they will become disgruntled, and play less frequently.
- Decreasing it has little effect unless the number of active achievers drops to near zero, in which case new socialisers might find it difficult to break into established conversational groups, and thus decide to take their play elsewhere.
- The number of explorers in a MUD has no effect on the number of socialisers.
- Increasing the number of killers will decrease the number of socialisers by a much greater degree. Decreasing the number of killers will likewise greatly encourage (or, rather, fail to discourage) socialisers to play the MUD.
- Increasing the number of explorers will slightly decrease the number of killers.
- Increasing the number of socialisers will increase the number of killers, although of course the number of socialisers wouldn’t remain increased for very long if that happened.
To sum everything up then we know the reading was about 4 different styles of player which were all released in way to a deck of cards.
Achiever - Diamond, always making goals to rewards themselves with.
Explorer - Spade, exploring the world and finding out new and interesting things
Socialiser - Heart, makes friends and talks to them a lot in game
Killer - Club, purposive causes grief on people to annoy them.
He mentions about balance with these 4 categories, if one of these gets too popular or not popular enough then a game would become unbalanced but lowering the population of one could make another thrive.
While reading this it was easy to see how based around an RPG this was. A lot of the idea's seemed similar to World of Warcraft and I could easily picture what he mean't. I do think though some aspects have not been covered enough and I think there are more than just these 4 categories.
Other than that I found this reading really useful and learn't much needed information.
For some stupid reasons it's double spaced at the top.
ReplyDeletegood notes in general. When you say their are other categories, it would be good if you were to say what you think they are and how the differ from the categories Bartle explores.