Thursday 29 March 2012

Critical Games Design: La Decima Vittima

Meaning The Tenth Victim, this is an Italian film produced in 1965 in which disagreements are avoided by following those with violent personalities to partake in "The Big Hunt". This is a global form of entertainment in which attracts people looking for to become famous and rich..There are ten rounds for each player in the event (5 for the hunter and 5 for the victor). The survivor of ten rounds become extremely rich and can freely retire from the hunt.

The film strongly follows the story of a hunter and their victim and involves a lot of story about the romance and the mind games between while the rules and justification for the games are revealed.

I really enjoyed the film when i watched it, as I didn't get to watch it with the lecture I had to watch it elsewhere. Somewhat the story brought up current news and media stories of recent times and yet it had similar elements to the story of The Hunger Games.

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