Sunday 25 March 2012

Critical Games Studies: Bibliography

This is the third part in the Critical Games Design series. Earlier in the year we were introduced to the Library resources in UCS. The library allows us to access a large selection of texts which will help us in our studies. This is a bibliography.

Adams, E. (2003) Break into the game industry; How to get a job making video games. Emeryville (Ca): McGraw Hill/Osborne.

Adams, E. (2009) Fundamentals of game design. 2nd edn. Berkeley, CA: New Riders. 

Politi, G. (2001) - Flash Art International Ed

Jacobson, J. Hwang, Z. -Unreal Tournament For Immersive Interactive Theater Volume 45(1), pg 39 - 42, 3p

Caillois, R. 2006. "The Definition of Play. The Classification of Games". Salen. K and Zimmermann.E.The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology. London. 122-155.

Kaminka, G.A. et al., 2002. GAMEBOTS: A FLEXIBLE TEST BED FOR MULTIAGENT TEAM RESEARCH. Communications of the ACM, 45(1), pg 43-45.
Finkel, I. L. (2008) "On the Rules for The Royal Game of Ur". In I. Finkel ed. Ancient Board Games in Perspective. London: British Museum Press. pp. 16-32.

This was completed with the help of Zotero and Firefox which easily allow for referencing at a high standard. I hope these are correct if not please do comment to make me aware. The last reference was added after my extensive research of The Royal Game of Ur for a previous assignment.

Wrapping up
So from being introduced to Zotero a great tool for referencing I can now develop and 
understand the uses of academic referencing which I have previously shown is a weak point
in my assignments.

Personally I struggled with this and using Zotero, I tried using it with Google Chrome in which you need a stand-alone version. After a lot of trial and error, a new browser and some help from other students I think I finally got there.

So that is the end of Part 3 of the Critical Games Design series. Part 4 coming soon.

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